Sunday, November 29, 2009


Violet has had a new litter of 5, 3 girls and 2 boys born on November 20th. Everyone is very healthy and fat. These babies will be ready for new homes around Christmas, thus the holiday names for each one. Daddy is our newest addition to the family, Zeb. He has your typical big bully head and lots of wrinkles, he also has a very sweet disposition but someone needs to tell him he is not a lap dog and he can also jump higher than any bulldog I've ever seen. If you are interested in placing a deposit on a baby to hold, it will be $500.00 with the balance due at time of pickup or delivery. The total cost is $1200.00 plus any additional airline shipping cost involved. To ship with the airlines this time of year can be a little tricky because of the temperature guidelines, so depending on your location this may or may not be able to happen. I am also willing to travel part way for delivery for an additional cost again depending upon your location. I am very excited about the holiday season and hope that everyone enjoys a blessed season also. My shopping is almost finished and my Christmas tree is decorated it just needs to be carried down from upstairs (it stays decorated year around) now for wrapping the presents, anyone want to come help? I had better sign off for now and get busy!! I will update as the babies get bigger.....

Friday, February 20, 2009


All of my Olivia's babies have found a home. I would like to thank everyone for all the nice comments and conversations I've had about my sweethearts. These babies will be traveling far and wide in just a few short weeks to meet their new moms and dads, from North Dakota to Kentucky to the Carolina's and everywhere in between. I hope you all will drop me an email from time to time and let me know how everyone is doing and a picture or two also. All of the puppies are weaned now and Olivia is beginning to gain some weight back, she got a little thin close to the end. I started everyone out on Bil Jac soft food then started mixing in some hard puppy food (Royal Canin) now they are eating only the hard food and everyone is gaining weight and looking great. They will be getting their first puppy shot (ouch!) next week and will have their second one at 8wks before they leave for their new digs. They need to go to the vet as soon as they reach you for your vet to give an OK on their health, and he will let you know when they need their other shots. The time has gone so fast I can't believe they are almost 6wks old. "it just seems like yesterday they were just babies" LOL speaking of babies, I just had my grand babies for a week and loved every minute of it. The weather did not cooperate with all the plans we had but we still had fun. In the hot tub (swimming) every night, lots of stories, got to skip school one day (shhhh don't tell the school I'm sure it was not excused!!) but that's the great thing about being a Nana and Papa we don't have to play by the rules anymore. I am glad that we had our children when we were young because I'm just now beginning to recuperate, my hat is off to all those mid life parents with young children, I am way happy being Nana. I will post some new pics this next week so everyone can visit. Sorry I've not been as good at the pics as I wanted to be but my goodness where does the time go! Be blessed and we'll talk soon.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tornados in February

What a night we had last night. Tornado's, lightning and a ton of rain at my house. If you are ever bored with where you live just move to Oklahoma and its a new adventure every month. Even in the rain storm I had a family come and look at my babies. I have had a lot of interest and the emails are pouring in every night. I want to thank everyone for their interest and don't be shy about asking questions, this is a big decision and I understand that, so ask away and I will answer to the best of my ability. I started feeding Bil Jac this week mixed with a little milk. At first they were a little unsure about it but it didn't take long and they were all going at it like there was no tomorrow. Olivia looks a little relieved and wants to spend a little less time with them and more time outside. All of the puppies are up on their feet walking around even the big fat boys. I have moved them into a larger pen area with an area to go "poop" on puppy training pads, so far so good. Hopefully in the next week they will get the hang of "going" in their special area and not so much on their carpeted area, time will tell. I will post new pics in a day or two, but I'm going to have my grandchildren for the next 7 days so it may be a little tough to do so. My daughter her husband my son and his fiance' are going to Florida for the girls birthdays. Nana gets to stay home and grand sit, that's OK with me we will have an awesome time. To have a friend we must be a friend so reach out to someone today and befriend them. Thanks for reading!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


My goodness I wish I had more time. I'm 4 days late posting new pics and I do apologize. I want to update every week but time slips away and here I am. Enough of that, lets talk puppies. All of the girls are up and on their feet but the boys are being a little more lazy about the walking around. It could be that they are so fat they are having a harder time than the girls, but lets face it girls always do things faster than boys. They are all beginning to form their own little personalities, Densmore is Mr. Bossy Pants and Buster just wants to sleep on his back all day long. Fancy has started to bark along with Ellie and Ginger. When you walk into the room and switch on the light and startle them they jump up and give me 3 or 4 little barks apiece. Its just about the cutest thing you've ever seen or heard. Chase and Andy try to stay under the radar and out of trouble, but you know how girls are, they pull them in on their shenanigans from time to time. On monday or tuesday I will start to introduce solid food, actually Bil jac from the freezer section. I always start my puppies that way and at about 6 weeks begin to mix in some hard food and by 8 weeks they are on hard food only. This is the time when I begin to do a lot more work with my babies because mom decides its time to start weaning. So starting next week I'll have even less time, just hoping I can keep up!! Congratulations to Ann for adopting Buster he is a beautiful big boy and I know you will love him much. Choose BLESSINGS today and I will talk with you next week, Hopefully!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Brrrr, brrrr, brrrr what a day it is here. Freezing rain and sleet all night and most of the day, we even had thunder and lightning last night!! Only in OKLAHOMA. I didn't make it to work today way to slick and to far to drive. But there are patients who braved the elements and went in for their appointment, all I have to say about that is "you love the dentist way to much" just kidding, actually it is a great day to get an appointment because of cancellations. Enough about work let's talk puppies!!! They are 2 weeks old today and their eyes are open. They are so fat they lay flat in the pen and scoot around on their bellies. In a couple more weeks they should be up on their feet ( I hope) and should start eating some solid food soon after that. I'm sure Olivia will be glad for some relief because all they do now is nurse. She looks at me every now and then and I'm sure I hear her say "Isn't there a nurse maid available to help out". I've added new pics today, hope you enjoy them . If this cold and dreary day has you down, remember in every life there is a time of winter, so don't loose hope SPRING is just around the corner.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I finally got all the puppy pictures posted. Whew, what a job! Taking pics of 9 day old puppies isn't very easy, you just can't get that great pose. As they get older the pictures will look a little better, I hope, but then you are trying to shoot a moving target. If you are interested in any one puppy please e-mail and I will try to get specific shots for you. My puppy adoption policy is listed below, please read it, my contact info. is there also if you would like to talk with me in person. I hope you have an awesome day and know that the choices you make today can effect you for a life time.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009


I finally grabbed a few pictures of Sophia, I think I need a few lessons in photography, but hopefully you get the picture of how darn cute she is. I can't believe tomorrow the puppies will be 1 week old. They are so big for their age, mom's milk is really agreeing with them. In another week their eyes will begin to open. Soon I will get pictures of each baby so you can see them better. My grandchildren were here yesterday and loved being able to sit on the floor and hold their special puppy. Ella has named 2 of them "lucy" and "lulu", Liam my youngest named 2 also "baseball boy 1" and "baseball boy 2" can you tell he is into baseball? For christmas everything he got had a baseball theme, he just turned 4 in December and has 2 more years before he can play on a team. We'll see if he is still as crazy about ball then. Hope your day was full of goodness and mercy and remember that your words are like fences, be careful and don't fence yourself in with negativity.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I'm a wee bit confused about how to do all of this, but I have never been one to give up on anything or anybody. I'm usually the last one to throw in the towel and admit defeat or something like it. It took me all of 3 hrs to figure out how to post the pictures of my girls and still one is missing from the group. Oh well she'll come out of her sleeping box later and I'll get that perfect shot of my little Sophia. Olivia had puppies Jan 13th @ 4 pm, seven very big (so the vet said) babies, 4 boys, 3 girls and I'm happy to say they are all very healthy and happy. Momma seems a little worn out and was a little confused the first couple of days, I could almost hear her say "what the heck and these wiggly, squeaking things next to me and why do I have stitches in my tummy". Bulldogs have c-sections because they are known for not delivering all their babies and having lots of problems in the process. So a c-section is easier on her in the long run, but for new moms they seem to not know exactly "whats up" for a day or 2 but after that my girls have been great mothers. Violet was my first bulldog and what a piece of work she is. She takes nothing off of anyone and is quite the watchdog too, just ask my mail man and UPS dude. But she is a great mother also and will be coming back into season by spring. My little Sophia, well just wait until I get that perfect picture posted of her and you'll understand why she is everyone pick. Every time my daughter comes to the house she threatens to steal her away to her house. She wants to be a lap dog and none of us have the heart to tell her she weighs about 35 pounds plus. I'm hoping she has her first heat cycle soon because then she would probably have her 2nd late fall and I never breed until the 2nd heat cycle. Well this has been fun and I'm looking forward to an awesome 2009, and I pray it will be awesome for you also.


"Sophia" Miss Wigglesworth, Lap Baby


"Miss Olivia" New Momma, Sweet Sad Eyes


"Violet" Matriarch, Boss Hog, Miss Piggy